Who knew underfloor heating can be this easy to install? Easy Mat presents the perfect solution for anyone who needs a safe, efficient and easy to install underfloor heating system. The mat can give the room a very warm and comfortable atmosphere. It is one of the easiest ways to eliminate cold floors from the bathroom, kitchen or any other indoor space. With this special mat, your floor elevation remains the same once it is installed. It comes with a very flexible design that allows for installations to be carried out in cramped floor layouts as well as existing fixtures. Invest in Easy Mat for your bathroom, kitchen or bedroom and enjoy the warmth and extra comfort it brings. You can even install the mat on your own by reading the simple manual. This underfloor heating mat is designed with cables of exceptional quality. You can be rest assured that the mat will gently radiate heat throughout your floor surface without losing their functionality. Flexible aluminum strips are in the system to make installation easier and enhance comfort and warmth. With Easy Mat underfloor heating system, you have three heating requirement strengths 12/15 and 20 Watt per square foot. For secondary heating, you can install the 12 Watt per square foot Easy Mat. Rooms that require primary heating will need the 20 Watt per square foot mat. The mats are 16 inches wide and 10 to 90 feet long. This means that you can warm up an extended space with ease. Easy Mat is ideal regardless of the size of room that needs underfloor heating.

Floor Heating 80 SQ FT System Easy Mat Underfloor Easy Installation 240V
- EasyMat radiates gentle warmth through a network of low profile cables just below the floor.
- Floor Heating EasyMat radiant heating element is 1/8” thick, so it will not affect floor levels.
- Floor Heating System EasyMat flexible design makes it easier to work around existing fixtures or cramped floor layouts.
- EasyMat is delivered complete with installation instructions designed for “Do It Yourself” in mind.
- No Thermostat Included 24/7 Service Support Available