Busting The Myths About Radiant Floor Heating
If you have been considering installing radiant floor heating in your home, you have likely taken time to research on what homeowners have to say about the same. Unfortunately, there exists a lot of myths regarding radiant heating that you might actually be skeptical about installing it after you conclude your research. Fortunately, this article is dedicated to ensuring you are able to separate the myths from the facts.
MYTH#1: Radiant Floor Heating Is Expensive
It costs about $ 1,800 and $4,800 to install radiant heating in your home. The final cost is dependent on several factors including the climatic conditions of your home region, the complexity of the system you choose, the HVAC system, the existing floor and the charges of your installer/electrician. If you live in an area with harsh climatic conditions, it is likely that the home builder you choose to install your heating will have done it numerous times before. As such, they might be able to carry out the installation at a lower cost. Whatever the cost though, it is important to remember that you will likely recoup it in the lower utility bills you will start paying once the heated floor is in place.
MYTH#2: In Floor Heating Can Overheat Your House
A radiant heating system can overheat your home, but only if you have a small HVAC system and not enough windows. The good news is that you can combat this by working on the factors bringing it about. For instance you can add more windows or install a bigger HVAC system. It should also be noted that even without radiant heating, your home can overheat due to the aforementioned factors.
MYTH#3: You Have To Heat All The Floors Of Your House For It To Work
Actually, you don’t. In the olden days, homeowners would opt to heat all their floors as a hot water pump would heat all the floors and it made more economic sense to maximize the benefits by heating all floors. Fast forward to today and the options available allow you to heat just a single room economically.
MYTH#4: Radiant Heating Can Damage Hardwood Floors
The truth is that moisture is the number one reason why hardwood floors get damaged. If you have moisture underneath your hardwood floors before you install your radiant floor heating, your floors will get damaged and you will think it is because of the heating.
MYTH#5: Radiant Heating Is Fad
People have been heating their homes and floors for hundreds of years. The popularity of in-floor heating will not be decreasing any time soon. If you have been worried about investing in heated floors only to find out later it was a fad, you can be sure your concerns are unfounded.